Well this week I reached my hump day! I've now been out for 9 months
and I only have 9 to go which is a terrifying yet exciting thought
haha. It's kinda crazy because I've been out for so long and I'm still
in my second area but honestly I'd be perfectly happy with staying in
Boston the rest of my mission even though I'm pretty sure this won't
be the case, but hey a girl can dream!
We are trying to build the missionary work in Skegness because
President told me that he is putting another team in come September so
we got the Lincoln Elders to come and do finding with us for a
majority of the day on Wednesday. Unfortunately it rained heaps all
day! So we looked like soaked rats on people's doorsteps haha, you
know it's bad when they tell you that you should just go home and get
out of the cold rain. But hey we persevered and we ended up making it
over to the beach and the Elders gotta see the North Sea.
A high light of all the time we spent in Skegness this week was
probably eating donuts and ice cream, while walking on the beach
though sister James sliced her foot open. We ran to our Investigators
house where I gotta play Doctor and rinse all the sand out of the cut
with Alcohol, to be honest sister James totally kept it together she
didn't even use any adult words though I think she muttered Holy sugar
a few times haha.
We got to do a lot of service this week which was great we moved a
lady in the morning and that afternoon we went ham on a members garden
ripping out all the un wanted bushes the Dad was super impressed cause
he didn't think we could actually do any damage so we showed him that
we are beasts under our skirts and badges.
The members in Boston are seriously killing it. This week a couple
brought our recent convert and an investigator to the British pageant
in Chorley and also took them to the temple and they absolutely loved
that experience. Another couple had our Investigator and her toddler
over for a cottage evening in there home and fed us a turkey! We are
just so stinking blessed with these amazing members they are always
asking what they can do for us and if they can help or come teach or
gives lifts. It's wonderful.
So the past 5 months every time I would go to Ruskington I would drive
past this wall with a Union Jack painted on it and every time I would
so badly want to stop but there was always a rubbish bin in front of
it or a vehicle but there was nothing parked in front so
naturally we stopped and took photos!
This week Sister James and I were definitely facing some turbulence
with our progressing investigators we have six people who are working
towards baptism but it seemed like Satan decided to raise some hell
with all of them this week, so Sister James and I played firemen and
worked so hard to put out the fires. We landed some grace on sunday
though. We hadn't heard from one of the people we are teaching and
then he came to church by himself and it was seriously the best he
texted us after to tell us how he couldn't stop smiling he just loved
being at church! Our other investigator came over for a cottage
evening and we had a turkey diner and watched meet the Mormons and she
was able to meet members and learn more about how Mormons are actually
normal people haha. The highlight moment is when she prayed out loud
in front of us for the first time. Even though the week was all over
the place with our Investigators it's funny how in about 18 hrs
everything was perfect and fine again. God is just so good.
Sister Talia Brown 🇬🇧
68, Norfolk St
PE21 9HQ
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