Saturday 29 July 2017

Week 36

This week was crazy busy we had to go to Birmingham for our mid
trainers meeting. Fun fact don't trust elders to tell you times for
anything! We were told we didn't need to be there until 12 but that
morning I called to check and it turned out it was really at 10 and we
had a 3 hr drive to Birmingham so needless to say we were so late! But
it's all good it was nice to see everyone and learn.

We had a ward party this week and we all represented different
countries I'm sure you can guess I represented the motherland by
making poutine but unfortunately the English were pretty freaked out
by the concept of cheese chips and gravy. So I had to force it on some
members but don't worry they liked it in the end.

Our Investigators are doing so amazing right now one of the people we
are teaching has been looking up the commandments and stuff in between
our visits and this week she asked hey can I drink coke but not tea or
coffee? we told her yes and that we don't drink tea or coffee. She
said ok I better stop then can you check to see how it's going with me
on Tuesday? Haha sister James and I almost cried it was amazing to
hear someone just be so prepared that they can abandon things that
used to be part of there lifestyle just to bring there lives in
harmony with the saviour. So amazing!

We had Dodge night last night and I'm staying in Boston for another
transfer so I'll get to finish training my girl and no emergency trio!
Woot woot! If I leave after next Transfer I'll only have eight months
left which is a crazy thought.

Life is doing good I am so grateful that I get to be in Boston for 6
months and who knows maybe even longer either way I'm so so happy!

Sister Talia Brown 🇬🇧
68, Norfolk St
PE21 9HQ

Week 36

Week 36

This week I feel like can only be described by pictures.

Monday 10 July 2017

Week 35

Well yesterday I hit 8 months which is crazy cause now I'm on the
count down from 10 which is super weird.

This week Sister James and I were literally stuffed until we literally
were sick. We had a lunch appointment and a diner appointment and then
we went to a relief society activity where we had scones, clotted
cream and the jam we made last week. when we got home that night we
layed on our beds thinking that we might die.

We have been finding like crazy which has been good we've made a lot
of new friends so that's been cool. We are just trying to get our
people to progress further.

The weather has been gorgeous this week so we have taken the
opportunity to do lots of gardening for people and I even got a little
colour thank goodness because I think I am the whitest I have ever
been in my life. Now I'm a healthy off white colour now.

We did a member Missionary fireside on Sunday and it went really good
we had about 15 families come and we were able to give them a lot of
ideas of things they can do to help the missionary work in the Boston

We have basically been running off our feet to see every one and get
everything done so it feels like every week is a bit of a mad dash but
it's ok cause time flys when you are having fun right?

Sister James decided she wanted to change things up a bit so she let
me cut off her hair and it actually turned out pretty dang good! she
hasn't murderd me in my sleep yet so I think she likes it haha.

Life is going good though we have been having lots of success and so
much fun with our members so life in general is pretty great I'm
definitely greatful to have Sister James here with me for the summer
it's going to be so hard to leave Boston I think.

Love Sister Brown

Monday 3 July 2017

Week 34

Well happy Canada day!
This week was a good week, last Monday we went to a BBQ with our
recent convert and his brother at a members home which was super
great. Our recent convert is doing so many great things in his life!
when we first met him he was in a bit of a stand still but now he's
working on getting a drivers license and he's applying for college and
on Sunday he was made a priest which was just so awesome for him it's
amazing to see how the Gospel really does change people and gives them
purpose and direction! I love it!

Sister James and I have been finding more and more random things that
we have in common one of them being our patroness which is the white
mare haha. We had a pretty good laugh about it. Sister James is doing
so awesome I had an awkward District moment when I was talking to
someone saying I'm not training sister James she came pre trained.
Haha so cheesy. But honestly she's great but this week while tracting
I suggested to her to knock the door a certain way because it makes
the people more happy to answer the door. I of course said this
jokingly and she said you know if you would have told me that in a
total serious voice I probably would have believed you. So I kinda
realised how much power that you have as a trainer so I'm promising to
use this power for good and to not mess with her haha.

Tuesday night our relief society made Jam holy flip it was so good and
so fun to make jam and spend time with these women, I love being
around them and I feel like I learn so much every time I talk with

Games night was a major success this week we got 10 people to come and
we played Ninja, charades and werewolf. So fun, I think it's been
helping the young adult age group in this ward a lot so that's been
great plus it's been great for our Investigators.

 On Saturday I got ready for the day went down for daily planning and
got a phone call from one of the Elders in our District screaming
Happy Canada Day!.... I'm an awful Canadian I totally forgot about it!
Mostly because it doesn't feel like summer time at all. But I ran back
up stairs put on my most patriotic clothes I own and slapped on a
couple tattoos to represent the motherland. Later that night we
stopped by a member for his birthday and checked out his sweet new
ride! A PT cruiser! I've got to admit it made me just a bit home sick
for my Betty at home so he let me sit in it and snap a couple

Today we decided to be tourists in Boston and checked out all the
sites and I showed sister James the Stump her first English parish
she's been in! She also wanted to try English candy so I made her try
Cadbury Oreo, Smarties and a Bakewell tart she liked them all except
the tart haha.

During our weekly call ins we were complaining to our District leader
that we had 9 diner appointments this last week and 10 this week, he
humbled us though because he said they only had two and they both
cancelled. So we are definitely appreciative to be getting so much
love from the Boston ward but unfortunately we are starting to forget
what feeling hungry is like.

I love Boston and I love the ward and I love my little greenie mission
life is good.

Sister Talia Brown 🇬🇧
68, Norfolk St
PE21 9HQ