Wednesday 20 December 2017

Week 57

Hey so this week was great very busy and incredibly emotional because it’s been like seven months since I’ve talked to my family haha and I miss them so much sister Hall and I took turns crying this week but hey we got to hang out with a ton of really cool sisters this week and spread the gospel so that was a bonus we did the light the world campaign and asked the good people of Derby what did they treasure most? And you know what most said? Family, friends and Tacos so I think the folks of Derby pretty much have themselves sorted out haha. Also while we were in the great white north of Derby it snowed heeps so that was fun to see again. Of course it was 

This week was full of good ol Christmas fun, we gotta go to a Zone Conference in Coventry which was so much fun I gotta meet my mission posterity And see my girl sister James again. We also went to Leicester to see a pantomime that was put on by the stake and we also gotta go to a Christmas carol concert so needless to say we are all Christ-massed out just about. And to make things even better I get to go to the promised land of Boston this week to hang out with the sisters there and share the gospel so it going to be a fairly wonderful week.

Needless to say I’m doing good and loving life.

So Merry Christmas! hope you all have a wonderful week leading up to it and  take some time to see Christ in it.

And family I’ll see you in seven sleeps!!

Monday 11 December 2017

Week 56

Well I feel like I really can’t talk about anything before I mention the fact that it Freaking snowed! Sister Hall and I woke up Sunday morning as per usual and then sister Hall screamed Sister Brown Sister Brown! It’s snowing! It actually took me back to when I was a Greenie and sister Vousden screamed the same thing at me “Sister Brown Sister Brown! It’s snowing!” Why is it that I’m never the first to realise it’s snowing? I thought I would have an internal alarm go off or something to notify me when it snows but alas the 17 years straight of being raised in Canada has done nothing for me. (Just kidding Canada I still love you take me back in 5 months?) 

A bit later we got the phone call that church was cancelled so we had a brilliant Idea that we would deliver service to the kind people of Stamford. So sister Hall and I each put on three pairs of trousers, sweaters and hoodies and jackets and socks and our very anti snow friendly boots and drove to the chapel to borrow the snow shovels. Upon or arrival there were a few members that turned up for church who hadn’t heard it was cancelled so they all nicely dressed in there Sunday best decided that since there was enough priesthood they would just do the sacrament. So sister Hall and I still in our very homeless looking duds went into the chapel and took the sacrament. We almost had to use the left over Christmas mince pies from the Christmas party a few nights before for the sacrament but unfortunately someone found bread so we almost had the most unusual sacrament service ever. But hey it’s one I probably won’t forget.

This week was filled with the Christmas spirit In between lending service in helping people decorate there tree, attending our relief society Christmas diner, attending a ward Christmas party in Leicester, drinking a ridiculous amount of hot chocolate, trying  not to fall and break our hips while walking through the snow, listening to as much Christmas music as possible and ending the week with watching the Christmas devotional which was soooo dang good! 

So ya it was a very cheer filled week oh and I can’t forget about the light the world advent calendar we’ve been doing. Funny story one of them was to help children by lifting there spirits and spending time with them and according to the white handbook it’s kind of a no no for us to be alone with or to be holding children so Sister Hall and I decided to drop off a treat to a family with some young children from our branch and I go a little carried away with playing with one of the little boys where he made a game of jumping off the furniture so I would have to catch him or he would fall, the second time he launched him self at me his head smashed into my face and for a second I seriously thought I might have knocked out a couple teeth (sorry mom) but praise the Lord they are all still there and accounted for. The parents laughed because the kid being a Fijian toddler apparently has a coconut for a head so the kid was totally fine but unfortunately I got the fattest lip of my life as a result haha So for future reference just listen to the white hand book and don’t touch the little kids even if they hurdle themselves at you or are the most adorable toddler you’ve ever seen.

On Saturday one of my Investigators from Swindon was Baptised I wasn’t able to go to his Baptism but I got a photo and I can imagine it was a pretty wonderful day for Bobby. He was the wolf pack guy I took a picture with and also one with his crazy gutting knife.

I gotta go hangout with Sister Johnson this week in Evington a suburb of Leicester but we unfortunately didn’t see to much of Leicester because she was super sick. But I got to redeem my trip to Leicester when I went to another Suburb called Glenfield and I got to drive around that crazy city with sister Blackburn. Leicester is nice but holy the driving is scary over there.

We were trying to be useful and help out a member for the light the world but we ended up with our car being packed with clothes going to Africa for about three days so needless to say we started to feel incredibly claustrophobic in there haha. We spread our wings a bit by going up to Burghly house. It’s funny because in England people just kinda stay inside and keep to themselves but Sister Hall and I discovered something that bring the English people out of there cozy brick homes... SNOW! It works wonders all day people were outside looking at the snow admiring the snow touching the snow and walking through it. Granted I think the main reason is that no one here knows how to drive on snow so they just avoid there cars and driving all together but it could also really be the fact that it hasn’t properly snowed in Stamford for about eight years.

So as you can tell this week I basically was just walking through a winter wonderland as well as preaching the gospel and serving as much as possible along the way so all in all it was a very good week. I love my area my companion and the work.

Sister Talia Brown 🇬🇧

3 westonbirt house

Monday 4 December 2017

Week 55

Well I’ve made it safe and sound to Stamford and it’s been pretty much go, go, go ever since I got here. I got to go hangout with Sister Ohanyan from Armenia in Peterborough Wednesday to Thursday so that was fun. Something I noticed is that I’m quite a bit farther up north now then when I was in Swindon so I’m pretty much freezing my butt off now which is a sad story I think I’ve pretty much aclimatised so now I start shivering at +10 instead of -20 so it’s going to be a long winter I think. It also doesn’t help that it gets dark at 4 now so we had to resort to taking a selfie while using the glow from someone’s door way haha.

I got to go to Birmingham for a meeting so that was exciting and it was nice to see some of my friends and of course sister Romero!

Sister Hall is my new companion she goes home next Transfer so that’s crazy she is from New Zealand. It’s funny because when we talk on the phone people keep getting our voices mixed up so we are convinced that our accents are super confused now because we are so old in the mission! We’ve just been in England to long now I guess haha.

Of course we’ve been kicking Christmas off right by decorating our tree, sitting by our fireplace at the end of a cold day and eating Chocolate from our kinder advent calendar oh and also doing the light the world of course! The ultimate Christlike advent calendar.

It’s been pretty fun to be close to Boston on Sunday we went to my old ward mission leaders home for diner because they live in the Stamford branch boundary so I got to see the Hanson’s and there family so that was pretty happy! 

I’m pretty happy to be back over on this side of the mission I’ve definitely missed living in Lincolnshire! And oh how I’ve missed being called duck! 

Life is good though very busy but pretty dang good!

Monday 27 November 2017

Week 54

I’m moving on! Transfers has come and gone and I’m moving to a place called Stamford!  I’ve been there a few times in the past when I was serving in Boston and I think it’s the prettiest place in England I’ve ever been too so needless to say I am pretty pumped to be going there! 

This week was a hard last one in Swindon I spent most of it being sick and having back problems. But on Sunday we were able to go to stake conference and we were able to hear from one of the area seventy. The whole conference was about the Atonement or at least that is what I took out of it the most, and I absolutely loved it. I loved hearing about starting over and becoming clean. I feel like I make dumb decisions all the time and that I am constantly having to wipe the slate clean and start over, that is why I am so incredibly grateful for the Atonement because of our Saviour we can actually wipe the slate clean and we can actually start over. I’ve been thinking about the Atonement a lot lately because with Transfers I can move to a new area put away my mistakes from the last area and try to do things better this time. I think also with New Years we all feel that same way the hope of starting new and making goals and plans. But something that I’m learning more and more is that I need to repent now and be the change that I wanna see today not tomorrownot the first of the month or the first of the year but now. I’ve learned I’m a bit of a procrastinator and I’m realising more and more that time goes quick and if I don’t try my best today I might not get another chance later.

I’m grateful that I’ve been able to serve in Swindon even if it’s the shortest I’ve ever stayed anywhere I’ve met people who have made me better and I have had some of my greatest companions here. Hopefully I’ve helped the area in a way but it has definitely helped me.

Sister Talia Brown 🇬🇧
3 westonbirt house

Monday 20 November 2017

Week 53

I'm not trunkie but I did have my trunkie meeting this week! Woot woot
this good looking group of kids are going home in 6 months.  In my
mission they hold a self reliance meeting six months before we go home
so we had ours. Sister Cho and I left our companions in good Ol
Gloucester and left at 6am for Birmingham so it was a day spent on
trains the mission home and eating some proper Asian food with my
proper Asian friend. All in all it went pretty good they basically
reminded us that when we go home not everyday is Pday and that we
actually need to get jobs and have lives so that was a rude awakening.
But hey I still got six months to figure it all out so I've got time.

It was so good going to Gloucester they had a relief society activity
and I was able to see all my people that took care of me as a greenie
so that was a magical experience. I definitely felt loved which I
really needed to feel.

This week we have Transfers so we will see what happens!

Sister Talia Brown 🇬🇧
3 westonbirt house
21 woodcutters mews
SN25 4DP

Monday 13 November 2017

Week 52

One year down six months to go!! Woooohoooo! So this week as you can
see from my subject line I have been on the mission for 12 months! To
be honest I can't be bothered to write an email this week which is
kinda lame because it's my year mark. But this week was full of
missionary work and interviews and exchanges and poppy appeal and
curry. So it was a happy week and I'm looking forward to the next 26
weeks of mission life to come.

Sister Talia Brown 🇬🇧
3 westonbirt house
21 woodcutters mews
SN25 4DP

Monday 6 November 2017

Week 51

Well I've just about done it! On Wednesday I will have been out on my
mission for a whole year woohoo I did it! Praise the Lord! Let me tell
ya nothing this last year went anything like I thought it would but
you know what that's ok because I have met so many people who have
left an impact on me and I am so grateful for that I'm also grateful
for all the many disappointments and the plans that definitely didn't
go according to plan because they have shaped me and taught me things
and I'm excited to see what will happen in these last six months!
Because after that I'm coming home! Woot woot! I'm not trunkie just
excited for this milestone to happen! I'm a bit proud that I can say
I've done this for a whole year but any ways on to the stuff that made
up this week!

So this November I've come to realise that the Poppy's that we wear
back home are bigger deal over here leading up to Remembrance Day and
I've got to say I think England wears it best. There are literally
poppies growing out of people's ears here the streets are being
painted with poppies and it's been really cool to be a part of it. As
missionaries we have been volunteering our time during the week to
help with the poppy appeal but it's actually been a bit harder then I
thought I originally thought oh this will be fun we will sit in a
booth for a few hrs and people will buy poppies. But because we are
acting as volunteers we aren't allowed to proselyte and a lot of
people who come and talk to us about the poppies have been affected by
loss in some way and it was really frustrating to not be like hey you
are going to see your family again and here is how!! call me!! Sister
Chenna and I are going to try and figure out a better way to be able
to get across the point that we are missionaries with a life changing
message for these people in a none proselyting way.

So far on my mission while biking I've had zero flat tires and in a
car I had one. This week I got two flat tires in a row and the first
one happened at quite possibly the worst possible time. We were biking Tuesday
morning to get to the train station to get to Zone Conference
and we were trying to catch the 6:45 train. But only a few blocks from
our flat my tire went completely flat I suspect it was from shattered
glass on the pavement left over from someone's Halloween festivities.
Because we had no time we had to lock our bikes to a dodgey pole and
start running until we found a bus stop that could take us the rest of
the way. By the time we got to the platform we were both almost
coughing up our lungs but we caught the train just in time and still
managed to totally beat the elders there so that's all that matters

On Halloween we had to be in our flat by six so we decided to make use
of some of that time by decorating our flat for Christmas! We cracked
open a couple of Terry's chocolate oranges played all the Christmas
music we had between us and went to town on our tree with Christmas
decorations we bought at Poundland the day before. So needless to say
things are looking very merry and bright at our little flat at 3
Westonbirt house.

It was Guy Fawkes night in short it marks the day that Guy
Fawkes tried to blow up the parliament building, keyword he tried they
took Guy Fawkes to a bonfire and through him in to it. to show that
you don't mess with parliament in this country. Naturally this has
become an English holiday now where leading up to that day they have
fireworks and bonfires and will through a fake person into the flames.
All in good fun though! Didn't have a chance to go to any bonfire
parties because we are trying to serve the Lord and obey our curfew
but we could definitely hear the party happening... every night....
the whole week...

While walking this week I found the greatest representation of England
in a car. It's both patriotic and accurate in size haha. I also found
an ape in the park that's pretty much all for this week.

Sister Talia Brown 🇬🇧
3 westonbirt house
21 woodcutters mews
SN25 4DP

Monday 30 October 2017

Week 50

This week was honestly a blur but as you can see from the photos we
celebrated Halloween. I also ate more Indian food but might I add that I
ate it Indian Style (with my hands) and I only embarrassed myself a
little bit.

Sister Talia Brown 🇬🇧
3 westonbirt house
21 woodcutters mews
SN25 4DP

Monday 23 October 2017

Week 49

First week with out Sister Gee and thankfully Nobody died! The only
struggle was navigating on a bike everyday I miss the garmin I had in
Boston! But hey we only got lost once.

Sister Chenna has been dieing to take us to a proper Indian food
restaurant so we decided to treat ourselves and go eat the real deal
Indian food. Sister Chenna chose everything I ate she was so excited
to eat it and honestly it was so dang good!

We were visiting the guy we met last week and he showed us his Native
American collection. Something kinda funny here I noticed is how much
people love the Native American culture it's so fascinating to them
but maybe it's the same for people in North America looking at people
from Egypt so much culture but you don't really ever getta meet them
in your own land. He was so excited when I told him I grew up next to
the mosses lake reservation. Naturally we took pictures with his
Native knife collection. He also gave me a rock that is shaped like an
amazing creature that is going extinct and I'd be lucky to ever see
one in person.... it's called a Buffalo hahaha I blew his mind again
when I told him back in Canada I have seen not one not two but many
buffalo at a time.

It's been getting a whole lot damper and colder and rainier out I
think I've acclimatised because I'm Freaking cold all the time even
though it's still above 10 degrees and I know I've been a whole lot
for colder at home so I think a year of living here as finally got to

We had a second hurricane come into town this one was so windy which
was terrifying while biking but we still survived although we suffered
some minimal eye damage. (crap blowing into our eyes)

This week the Elders come to Swindon so Sister Chenna and I won't be
alone anymore so that should be exciting.

All in all it was a good week we've been trying our best to get things
moving and also just being happy while doing it.

Sister Talia Brown 🇬🇧
3 westonbirt house
21 woodcutters mews
SN25 4DP