Sunday 27 November 2016

Week Two

Wow I cant believe I've been here for two weeks It has been such an amazing week. Tuesday we went to the temple which is such a beautiful one! Then we went to Chorley and it looked like  walked in to a scene out of Pride and Prejudice!

On Wednesday all of us 2nd weekers were taken to downtown Manchester for a crash course on street contacting. We were there for two hours and there was an absolute down pour  of rain for about 90 of those minutes! I absolutely Loved it! It was such a cool experience we talked to whoever would give Sis Romero and I the time of day haha.

One person who stuck out to me was a girl named Katie she is a student going to school for microbiology somethin somethin. We waited with her until her train came, we talked about rain, life and God. We gave her a pass along card and I've been kicking myself ever since for not giving her a Book of Mormon, after her train came she said good bye and then she was gone.

Sister Romero and I just felt so much unbelievable love for her after wards which was so strange because she was a complete stranger but we are going with it being Heavenly Fathers love for her even thought we didn't teach her everything in those minutes we shared I hope we planted a seed and then maybe one day someone else can help it grow.

That Night Sister Romero and I had the best lesson with out investigator buddy the spirit was so strong it was such an honour to have the holy ghost present even if it was just a mock lesson. I feel so blessed to have Sister Romero as my Compy we've only known each other for 2 weeks now and it's like I've known her all my life she has this thing now where she likes to hangout in my bed I'm not sure why but we are all about bunk bed life there is something so fun about it.

She also showed me her Canadian shirts she has because her love for Canada is so real it's hilarious. we have this thing where we walk every where with linked arms but it's starting to get us into trouble with door ways because we keep smacking each other into them trust me we have the bruises to prove it. Also one of the first things sister Romero told me is that she has never seen snow.. so a morning this week I was eating breakfast and glanced out the window and saw some patches of SNOW!

I grabbed sister Romero told her to close her eyes and follow me I guided her through all the table and missionary's it was kind of a scene of laughing and tripping when we got to the window I told her to open her eyes she was so she started at a minute not understand what she was look at until I sang to her "Do you wanna build a snowman? it doesn't have to be a snow man!" then she screamed and we ran out side and had a snow ball fight.

Another thing that happened last night we taught one of our Investigators Roxanne about the plan of salvation it was such a game changer lesson for me because by the end of the lesson we were all in tears because the spirit had been so strong I have loved being able to have spiritual experiences so often it has helped grow my testimony in so many ways I just feel so thankful!

There is so much that has happened this week so many amazing devotionals so many fits of laughter so much rain, snow and hail! so many powerful moments I have absolutely loved every second here I cant believe I leave in one week!

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Week One

Well I did it I've been in the MTC for 1 whole week! I realize the MTC is way different then the mission field but I can honestly say I freaking love it! I'm feeling super blessed right now because flying went off without a hitch, and I have the most amazing companion sister Romero from Australia! 
She is 20 from Sydney a foot shorter then me and she is such a power house in the gospel we only met a week ago but it feels like we have been friends for years! soooo cool! And thank goodness she feels the same about me! when she found out I was Canadian she got so excited because she is obsessed with all things Canada and has always wanted to go and I've always wanted to go to Australia so needless to say we have a trip planned after the mission where we spend a week with each other in each others home lands!
 My other mates are Sister Rippley from Edmonton AB and Sister Howland from Utah they are super nice and both serving in the London South mission. I haven't been outside a whole lot but we have gone on walks on the grounds and from what I can see England is freaking gorgeous! My hair is loving the English humidity!
 The food is super good and I've been sleeping on bunk beds which is seriously the best thing ever I dunno why but I'm really digging sleeping 6ft in the air! In the MTC we learn, learn, learn and then we teach, teach, teach! I honestly feel embarrassed by how much I love it all! even getting up early in the morning is super awesome, I was only Jet lagged for like 2 days and now I'm good to go! 
On Sunday we got to hear from a seventy, Brother Homer he was super cool and he talked to us personally and it was just so awesome to hear him speak! I got some letter's and a package which were so awesome! Today we are going to take on the town and then latter we are gonna do a session at the temple so I'm super pumped for that! 
We also watched a devotional on Sunday by Elder Holland! in it he said (while slamming his fist) the Saviour didn't have it easy so why would you think you should have it easy! Amen! I feel like so often I used to think this is so hard but now I feel like an idiot because my life is a dream compared to what Jesus Christ went through for us! 
I am so grateful to our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ for providing me with a way that I could gain a body and have this earthly experiences and have Joy! and if I mess up it's not over I can work hard and repent my life would be a mess with out the atonement and for that I'm so grateful. I feel like everyone should have an MTC experience because I have never felt so immersed in the Gospel before! 
It is such an honour and a blessing to eat sleep and drink the gospel at all times! I also realized how cool our gospel is! I have been meeting people all over this amazing world and they know the church just as I do because the gospel is the same whether it's in Dutch, French, Mandarin, Hungarian or English we are still on the same page! I love the MTC I love being a missionary for this church God is Good life is Good!

Saturday 5 November 2016

2 whole days left

Monday night I get set apart as a missionary. Tuesday morning I start the Journey to England. Wednesday I spend my first day in the MTC. Then it's nothing but hard work, accents and fish and chips for the next 18 months! and I am so Excited for all that to start!
It's been real Canada!