Monday 27 March 2017

Week 20

Holy Flip! Last night was Dodge Night! (Transfer calls!) and Sister Brown is being sent to ......... Boston! I literally don't know anything about the area except it's a big area so we get a car! of course as soon as I buy a bike I am given a car.... but on the plus side! England is about to enter into its even more rain season, and I'm gonna have a car for it! So God is good because I'm not going to be permanently wet this transfer! So as far as my companion I'm actually going to be in a trio so that will be fun, my companions are Sister Stirm, and Sister G (I'm calling her sister G because no one in my zone knows how to actually say her name or the correct spelling so until next week she is sister G) so Tuesday I leave Gloucester for Boston I take the train from Gloucester to Nottingham and then Nottingham to Boston to meet my new companions it's gonna be a total of 5 hrs travel!

So this week was a pretty great week, we stoped by a lot of people and did lots of tracting we were in a super Chavy area and we put our bikes up against the fence walked five steps and knocked on a door when a man walked up and started checking out our bikes and then he saw us and awkwardly said oh I thought they were scrap metal... bye. So funny we're pretty sure he was gonna steal them. 

This week I finished reading the Book of Mormon for the first time on the mission and I finished Preach my Gospel I really loved being able to read through both as a missionary this time around I have read them both before but this time around it has been so different I feel like I had the missionary part of my brain unlocked so Everything I read applied to missionary work in The Book of Mormon and Preach my gospel made so much more sense because I actually knew what they were talking about more. So ya that has been a great experience to have in my last week in my Greenie area to finish both.

This week we went to our investigators house he is Fijian as well we caught him at home and we talked him into coming to church on SundayOn Sunday he came with our part member family we Baptised he stayed the whole time he downloaded the gospel library app and was reading through the material and highlighting stuff during church and started googling temples! During Sunday school they talked about temples and it reminded him that when he was younger in Suva he went to the temple open house! Sooo cool! After church we went to a members for diner they are seriously the sweetest people they helped me out so much the past four months. I'm really grateful for everything they've done for me. After diner we went to the Fijian/Tongan families house and taught our investigator the restoration and went through the Book of Mormon with the dad of our recent converts. It was sooooo good as we talked to him he just was getting it all and he said he loved it and started saying when I get baptised and can I go on a mission? it was sooo cool! After that our lesson turned into a islander farewell they sang us a farewell song in Fijian and I seriously cried the whole song we also closed with singing God be with you till we meet again. Holy flip I absolutely love these people so much they became my family here I am so grateful for them. At church we also got asked to bare our testimony but I locked it up and didn't cry I definitely lost it the rest of the day but I made it through my testimony so I've grown a Little! 

The past four months in Gloucester have been crazy, I have loved the area and the people so much I can't really tell if I've changed much yet but spiritually the mission has been so great I am so grateful for the past five months I feel like my love for the gospel is so much stronger and my gratitude is getting a lot better, I'm just realising how truly blessed I've been in my life so far. So Gloucester has been great I have loved it, it's been hard but it's been great. I love this gospel and this area and I am so excited for Boston and all the good things to happen there.

Sister Talia Brown 🇬🇧

Attachments10:19 AM (8 hours ago)

Monday 20 March 2017

Week 19

This week the weather was so nice Monday-Wednesday we did lots of painting and stuff which was sweet cause we gotta be outside lots especially with biking and a few times I didn't even have to wear a coat so that was magic! But then after that it got super rainy and windy. 

We had the 175th relief society party which was fun we helped set up for that and then we gotta go to the party which was fun they had tacos and they even had refried beans which is sad cause you can barely find it in Canada but they have it all over here but it freaks out most English people so sister Swasey and I gotta eat most of it.

We have been visiting a sister in the hospital and on Sunday we were able to go with the Elders to bring her the sacrament and I just love that we have the priesthood and that the sacrament can be taken to all those in need of it. It had been 7 weeks since this women had been able to take it and it was so special to be able to be there and see her take the sacrament after so long she was so happy and the spirit was so strong. 

This next week is most likely my last week in Gloucester unless they have found us a new place to live I'm pretty sad to leave my greenie area behind though I feel like it's my home and now I have to pick up everything and leave it again so I'm pretty torn about the whole situation.

Sister Swasey got her wallet stolen this week so we went searching for it at the police stations and stuff on St. Patrick's day. Fun fact don't go outside on St. Patrick's day especially if it's a Friday people be stumbling in and out of bars that whole day, we were only in the high street for the morning till noon and people were walking around completely smashed most of them were old men thank goodness there was no pinching that happened! 

The part member family I have been working with started temple prep on Sunday! The mom came and sat by me in relief society and she was absolutely beaming she said sister Brown I can't stop smiling we just took our first temple prep class! We are one step closer to the temple! That was honestly the best moment so far on the mission just hearing this beautiful mum talk about how excited she is to have her family sealed in the temple for time and all eternity! Gah it was so good! They also dropped us off a ridiculous amount of food the other day!We are so blessed to have met this family!

I've been having a few members ask how long they think it will be till I get transferred back to Gloucester gah it just about breaks my heart when I have to explain we probably won't be moved back when they get a new flat for the sisters in Gloucester... 

Life in Gloucester has been good we are trying our dang hardest to stay busy and to work hard!

Sister Talia Brown 🇬🇧


Tuesday 14 March 2017

Week 18

Spring is almost in full swing it's so exciting! The trees have great big buds on them just waiting for the right day to pop. And the flowers are ridiculously beautiful! Oh my gosh and I've seen so many bunnies and lambs! It's seriously so fun seeing different seasons in a different country. The rain has definitely been interesting on a bike but it's pretty fun zipping around on a bike instead of a gross smelly bus!

So this weeks drunk white man story happened while sister Swasey and I were riding home for the night we were passing through a dodgey part of town and sister Swasey was a bit ahead of me and I went passed this group of Chavs (dodgey white males dependent on the government) and one of them spanked my butt! And all I had was the chance to say was what the Heck man!? And then another one slapped my butt and I just kinda yelled some words at them and rode off so that was both terrifying and hilarious.

This week also while walking home someone yelled at us and threw a bottle at us but they had pathetic aim so it missed by a lot.

We also tracted a door where the people just laughed at us and mocked us for a solid minute... wow now writing this week out it kinda sounds like the most awful week but it was actually super fun there were definitely times where it was like holy flip this is kinda the worst but we had so much fun and we served so many people and that was the best part!

We moved a couple people in the ward which was so awesome because they really needed the help at this time. And we painted this woman's kitchen for her and I think it meant more to her that she had people willing to help her and make her home nicer for her. I absolutely love service holy flip it is my absolute favourite thing thank goodness for spring cleaning right now because we have been asked to help with lots this next week as well.

We also went to Cheltenham a couple times this week for interviews with president and then for zone meeting so that was fun I love going and seeing other missionaries cause it's just nice to get revamped for the week and know that we can do this because we are all working towards bringing people unto Christ!

This week we also had a lot of fun riding around this city, though I am definitely not fast but I am starting to love biking more and more! Sister Swasey explained it as getting a bit of a adrenaline rush through out the day because it's pretty crazy the fast pace of traffic here so it's kinda hard for my heart to not be racing but I'm definitely still praying all the time and I haven't died yet so thank goodness for that! 

We have been stopping by a lot of people who have been taught in the past and we finally caught this one family at home (there Fijian!) they of course invited us right in and we talked for like an hour about Rugby (sick!) and the gospel of course! and got another appointment so I'm excited to hopefully start working with them more I freaking love Islanders! They are the best kind of people! 

The weather was super warm this week so that was soooo nice! Today was beautiful we went down to the Quays and looked at the boats and stuff and then went to the cathedral again. I finally gave sister Swasey a proper tour of this city! We went through the stores and tried on some proper English lady hats as well! Because we're posh! 

So basically life is good, the gospel is good, and England is good!

Sister Talia Brown 🇬🇧


Monday 6 March 2017

Week 17

Well we're moving! Haha Sister Swasey and I got the awkward phone call from our landlord confirming that we were leaving at the end of the month! We then called the mission home and said what the what? And they said they were done with our ghetto flat and the crap they were having to go through with it so we asked where are we moving to then? They said they didn't have a flat yet in Gloucester sooo we don't know anything till transfers so they may just have to take the sisters out of Gloucester until after they find a flat for us so ya I dunno what's happening but either way we are packing! Fun!

This first week of march has shown me what all those school rhymes were actually talking about. England is the land of spring there are seriously flowers everywhere the daffodils are all over the place and the snow drops and other flowers that we'd buy at Home Depot at home in June. So that's been really cool there are cherry blossoms all over the place now too I'm just waiting on the trees to pop now. And of course who can forget the Spring Showers..... turns out what I thought was a lot of rain is actually nothing compared to the rain fall that England gets in the spring and I swear the clouds are just mocking sister Swasey and I every time we go outside it will down pour for 5 minutes and then stop so we are always soaked. 

So we got a notification last week saying basically everyone needs to get off there butts and bike instead of bus.... so this week I bought a bike... it's funny because my first two transfers I thought wow I've never prayed so much in my life.... oh silly sister Brown... let's just say that I know what it means to have a prayer in your heart... so ya I haven't crashed yet, I've literally felt the lords hand while biking because I swear there were so many moments when I thought I was gonna die. English roads and drivers plus riding a bike in a skirt is a terrifying experience. Plus... I'm very out of shape like wow my butt and my legs have never been in so much pain Haha... and I get a Charlie horse every hour cause my muscles or whatever I did have are being ripped a part... so ya! But other then that I love biking! its the best! I'm excited for the day when my calfs are bullet proof!

Also along with the spring cleaning people are moving or painting or doing lawn care so we are doing so much service it's the best! Not that I don't love trackting but dang I could do service all day everyday!

Also with my bike it was super short notice to need to get one and have it be good to go but one of my favourite families in the ward seriously helped me out and found me an awesome bike on eBay now I just have to chav proof it so it won't get stolen!

Also Tuesday was world pancake day and sister Swasey and I so badly wanted to be apart of it but unfortunately we could not find any pancakes in Gloucester! So we had waffles! And they were amazing! Thanks Kaspas! 

Oh and sister Swasey almost died on my watch we were doing weekly planning and hating doing it so we were eating candies and she started laughing and in haled a mike n Ike and she seriously choked for 5 seconds and I just laughed at her and then realized holy flip she can't breathe... don't worry she pulled through she only had a mildly uncomfortable throat afterwards.

Oh and I found a sick VW van