Monday, 22 May 2017

Week 28

Well this week I'd say we fully recovered from our crazy weekend with
being robbed it seriously felt like it was so long ago now but it was
kinda rocky in the beginning.  On Tuesday when I went to study and
stuff I realised my pencil case was gone with all my study stuff in it
which really doesn't matter but as a missionary I feel kinda heart
broken that my stuff is gone haha I loved my markers and stuff... and
they even took my lotion bottle from off my desk so that was really
annoying cause I have to replace really tedious Items. They also took
Sister Osele's white handbook we counted to see if they took any Book
of Mormons sadly none were taken dang it!

So we decided that since we were put out that meant Heavenly Father
had a miracle waiting for us so we got to work and honestly It kinda
seemed like Heavenly Father started pouring the blessings to us at
first we tracted into a young man and he said we could come back and
seemed like we taught him 4 times got him to come to games night and
also to church on Sunday .he is now on a date for Baptism so please
pray that he will continue to stick and have the desire to keep
working towards baptism he is honestly so prepared it's amazing his
mother recently passed away and it is just so amazing to see how
Heavenly Father prepares people to receive the gospel and just sends
the missionaries at the right time.

We also met with a mother and Daughter who came to church the day we
got robbed with some members of the ward they liked the teachings so
they came back this Sunday and we were able to meet them finally. They
are so awesome the mother is a friend of some members and her daughter
told her that she wants to start going to church because she wants to
believe in something. The mother started to look for a church that she
liked for her daughter to start going too. She talked to her friend
who is a member about our values and beliefs and liked them so they
have started coming to the Boston ward so we are gonna start teaching
them now which we are super excited about.

This week we had to set sometime and clean our flats front yard and
back yard out so the landlord will take care of some problems we have
with our flat. We asked the elders quorum if they could help us so
that morning we answered the door and all the men in our ward came
to help it was so awesome we felt so loved that they would come take
care of us they also put a bunch of dead bolts on all the doors and
gates on our property so we are basically Fort Knox up here.

Today we went to Wollaton Hall and for those of you who don't know
what that is just think Batman! It is a sick mansion it's being used
as an exhibition for wild life. And there were so many amazing murals
every where in it, it was super cool. The ground were absolutely
breathtaking English people know how to do lawn care FYI. Everything
is so green the trees are huge cause they have been there for
centuries it's amazing I love how old everything is here!

Today I got my UK license in the mail so I'm all legal now and ready to go!

Trio life is still pretty great I love my companions it is literally
always a party which makes life just so much fun it also makes the
work easier. The best is when we have to do road trips then there is
just so much car singing and just such random topics we talk about

The other day Sister Alayon said after our appointment with an
investigator everything is just falling into pieces sister Osele and I
looked at her like what?! And then she realized opps I mean place!
Haha we love our little Asian! But seriously though so much love last
night sister Osele asked can I stroke your arm for you and sister
Alayon rubbed my back haha so much touching! But I'm getting over it
more and more I think they are just so sweet no one could not love

So things are getting better again we have been able to sleep normal
again and we have been getting lots of love from members and also back
from the work so life is good again!

Sister Talia Brown 🇬🇧
68, Norfolk St
PE21 9HQ

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