We had Interviews with our Mission President and his Wife this week I loved being able to get to know them they are so cool and I can honestly say I felt so much love from Sister Leppard even though it was like the third time I ever really got to meet her I really appreciated her just saying how much she loves me and that I'm doing a good job it was so nice to feel that motherly love from someone.
This week we had such an awesome lesson with our investigator! She read a chapter from the Book of Mormon Hallelujah! And we showed her the Restoration video and she felt the spirit so strongly! It was amazing especially cause that video is a bit cheesy but it's so cool that the spirit will be there when someone or something is testifying of Christ the whole time during the video I just prayed and prayed and prayed that she would feel the spirit! And she did so Hallelujah!
My favourite Tongan/Fijian family ever had a great week also! They all came to church! Hallelujah! The Auntie had a beautiful baby boy! Hallelujah! And her husband flew in safely! Hallelujah! And now next Sunday there two daughters are being baptised! HALLELUJAH! And the girls Dad is going to be even baptising them so it will be so good! I'm so excited for this Baptism it is gonna be so amazing and so great for this family I honestly love them so much and I know one day they are all going to be sealed together! Gah so great!
This week we only had one drunk white guy encounter haha, we were waiting at the bus stop and these men were walking over one of them stoped and pulled his trousers down to his ankles haha he still had his underwear on though so we good! No emotional scaring!
It snowed! Well when I say snowed nothing actually stuck to the ground but snow was falling from the sky! Which is more then most places get. Mostly it's just been freezing here but I'd rather that then walking through waist high snow! Gross!
On Tuesday I am no longer a Greenie Praise! I'm finally moving up in the missionary world! I'm a bit nervous cause before I was just a stupid greenie if I didn't know something, but now I'm just a stupid missionary so pray for me please! the next 15 months could get interesting! On I celebrated being out three months Woot woot! It feels like it's been only a month but it also can feel like months at times as well haha.
We found out last night what's happening this transfer! Sister Vousden is leaving me and going to Derby where she will die, (mission death not physical) my District leader/ mission father is becoming a Zone leader! And I am.... Staying in Gloucester Whoohooo! I am so happy I getta stay and get things going still with our Investigator and even better I getta see my girls get Baptised! And now My follow up trainer is..... Sister Swasey! Woohooo! I don't know loads about her but I will meet her Tuesday! So I'm super pumped! I'm so excited for change! this next transfer is going to be sooo good!
England is so beautiful and I miss it a lot. So proud of my British roots. I am coming to England for a visit in May !!! keep up the good work