Monday 27 March 2017

Week 20

Holy Flip! Last night was Dodge Night! (Transfer calls!) and Sister Brown is being sent to ......... Boston! I literally don't know anything about the area except it's a big area so we get a car! of course as soon as I buy a bike I am given a car.... but on the plus side! England is about to enter into its even more rain season, and I'm gonna have a car for it! So God is good because I'm not going to be permanently wet this transfer! So as far as my companion I'm actually going to be in a trio so that will be fun, my companions are Sister Stirm, and Sister G (I'm calling her sister G because no one in my zone knows how to actually say her name or the correct spelling so until next week she is sister G) so Tuesday I leave Gloucester for Boston I take the train from Gloucester to Nottingham and then Nottingham to Boston to meet my new companions it's gonna be a total of 5 hrs travel!

So this week was a pretty great week, we stoped by a lot of people and did lots of tracting we were in a super Chavy area and we put our bikes up against the fence walked five steps and knocked on a door when a man walked up and started checking out our bikes and then he saw us and awkwardly said oh I thought they were scrap metal... bye. So funny we're pretty sure he was gonna steal them. 

This week I finished reading the Book of Mormon for the first time on the mission and I finished Preach my Gospel I really loved being able to read through both as a missionary this time around I have read them both before but this time around it has been so different I feel like I had the missionary part of my brain unlocked so Everything I read applied to missionary work in The Book of Mormon and Preach my gospel made so much more sense because I actually knew what they were talking about more. So ya that has been a great experience to have in my last week in my Greenie area to finish both.

This week we went to our investigators house he is Fijian as well we caught him at home and we talked him into coming to church on SundayOn Sunday he came with our part member family we Baptised he stayed the whole time he downloaded the gospel library app and was reading through the material and highlighting stuff during church and started googling temples! During Sunday school they talked about temples and it reminded him that when he was younger in Suva he went to the temple open house! Sooo cool! After church we went to a members for diner they are seriously the sweetest people they helped me out so much the past four months. I'm really grateful for everything they've done for me. After diner we went to the Fijian/Tongan families house and taught our investigator the restoration and went through the Book of Mormon with the dad of our recent converts. It was sooooo good as we talked to him he just was getting it all and he said he loved it and started saying when I get baptised and can I go on a mission? it was sooo cool! After that our lesson turned into a islander farewell they sang us a farewell song in Fijian and I seriously cried the whole song we also closed with singing God be with you till we meet again. Holy flip I absolutely love these people so much they became my family here I am so grateful for them. At church we also got asked to bare our testimony but I locked it up and didn't cry I definitely lost it the rest of the day but I made it through my testimony so I've grown a Little! 

The past four months in Gloucester have been crazy, I have loved the area and the people so much I can't really tell if I've changed much yet but spiritually the mission has been so great I am so grateful for the past five months I feel like my love for the gospel is so much stronger and my gratitude is getting a lot better, I'm just realising how truly blessed I've been in my life so far. So Gloucester has been great I have loved it, it's been hard but it's been great. I love this gospel and this area and I am so excited for Boston and all the good things to happen there.

Sister Talia Brown 🇬🇧

Attachments10:19 AM (8 hours ago)

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