Monday 3 April 2017

Week 21

Well new week and so many new changes! I left  for Boston, England and I
got there without a hitch so that was awesome I had so much help along
the way so that was great it took five hrs to get from Gloucester to
Boston so that was fun!

My new Companions are Sister Gjika who is from Albania (fun fact the
church has only gotten to Albania in the last 25 years she's a
pioneer) and Sister Stirm from Idaho just started her mission,
it's so weird to not be the youngest in the mission especially when it
feels like I just barely got here!

Boston is an adorable little city with so many canals and old, old,
old buildings gah I love it and then on top of Boston we cover 16
smaller city/ towns and farming villages so the car has been pretty
fantastic although I miss biking a lot but maybe in the future we can
do some biking in Boston. This area is very much a farming area which
is so fun because it reminds me of home it's a bit more hilly but it's
been fun to see canola fields again. Needless to say being in a car
with a limited amount of music I can now proudly say I have about 50
Disney songs memorised now start to finish.

A lot of people who live here are from the Baltic countries so there
are so many foreign food stores and stuff it's awesome Members gave us
Lays chips from Poland unfortunately the Polish flavours are pretty
nasty so not much of an improvement compared to the English flavours
so that's probably for the best. We are starting an English class so
that should be fun. The people here are so much nicer holy flip! I
think people who live away from the city are just way happier in
general. we went tracting and a man apologiesed to me for not being
interested hahaha oh my goodness I was in shock the first couple days
because of how nice the people were being we got offered tea so many
times it was such a big difference compared to Gloucester.

We have an Investigator they found a week ago who is seriously so cool
he is from Poland and he  is so excited about the gospel he has been
coming to church and meeting with the sisters all the time. The other
day we went over the commandments with him and he told us he has a
problem with cursing so we decided to come up with alternative words
for him to say. So instead of OMG he is gonna say oh my days (very
English) instead of holy Mary he is gonna say holy flip and instead of
SOB he is gonna say Son of a Gun so basically he is gonna swear like a
missionary haha. He came to General Conference and he
absolutely loved it, it was such a cool experience to see someone
watch General Conference for the first time in there life he said the
spirit was so strong and he just loved every second of it so that was
so cool.

We went to Nottingham to watch General Conference with our
Zone. I absolutely loved watching General Conference it's a bit
different here because it's not live so we started watching the 
morning session Saturday evening and the Women's conference
night and the afternoon session on the
afternoon and the morning session Sunday evening. President
Eyerings opening remarks were amazing because it felt like they were
so direct to our investigator. I was so worried that'd we'd have to
explain everything to our Investigator but they do an incredible job
of explaining everything for visitors or new people who come to watch
it. When I was at home I never noticed this because it didn't apply to
me but now I am just so grateful for the great experience that any
person in the world can have watching conferences.

I loved Conference of course I really felt like for me one of the
things thats stuck out is having a strong testimony so we can be a
disciple of Christ. And I just loved that cause that's pretty much my
role in life right now is to be a disciple of Christ and I felt like
all the talks talked about what we can do or change to get there so
that was perfect for me.

I have absolutely loved being in Boston this week and being with my
new companions we have had so much fun and laughed so much bed time is
kind of a struggle cause we get into bed and no body can shut up but I
am so excited for this transfer that we have together!

Sister Talia Brown 🇬🇧

1 comment:

  1. This looks like a girls party everyday. You love Boston so much that I think I love it too!
