Tuesday 25 April 2017

Week 24

This week was kinda all over place haha so my companion lost her
wallet so she can't drive anymore.... so guess who started driving on
Thursday... me! So I'd already been told the week before by President
that I needed to start working on my license so when I talked to the
mission home they said I'd have to come to Birmingham next week and
fill out the paperwork and then send my papers off with my details and
then it was gonna be a 2-3 week wait so I planned on learning the
driving ways over the next month. But since the wallet was lost sister
Stirm and I literally had to pull over and swap seats in our little
Hyundai. So after a quick prayer and some hyperventilating I drove in
England for the first time! And we didn't die! It's actually pretty
fun driving before I was getting bored just sitting there but now It's
a whole lot more entertaining. English driving is kinda messed up the
roads are tiny and people drive with now fear and there is a freaking
roundabout every 5 miles! But other then that it's pretty fun haha. I
drove to Lincoln today and Wednesday I'm driving to Birmingham so I'm
gonna have sooo many driving experiences this week.

This week we followed up with all our people we met during Challenge
week and are now teaching some new people yeah! We have been also busy
with the less active work in this area which has been going really
well we had eight less actives at church again this Sunday so that's
been great. There talking about opening a branch in Skegness because
of all the less active members that are there but can't come to Boston
because it's to far. So that will be really exciting!

I've been making sister Stirm try weird English food haha I made her
try malt loaf.... she did not like it haha which is sad because it's
so dang good. To be honest I can't really explain the taste of malt
loaf but it just a loaf of some kind of something. I also made her try
kinder eggs because they don't have them in America and that was life
changing for her! She's been collecting the toys now.

We went to Nottingham this week for Zone meeting it was fun seeing the
zone nothing to crazy happened. We also had interviews with President
this week so that was pretty good seeing them and talking about how
things are going.

I had a super spiritual experience this week we went into one of our
lessons and we were asked about why God cursed the laminates with dark
skin. That morning in my personal studies I literally studied that
topic in the Book of Mormon! So I was able to resolve his questions
and concerns he had about it and we were able to move on. It really
wasn't a big deal, but for me I was just so grateful that Heavenly
Father prepared me that morning for that exact topic it was so great
to experience that because in Preach my Gospel it talks about signs
when your being a good missionary and one of those was feeling the
spirit work through to help others understand the gospel and to be
honest sometimes it kinda feels like am I even being a good
missionary? so those moments are just so good when they do happen.

On Monday we went to the Tattershall castle mine and sister Stirms
first one so that was sick! it was so cool seeing all the rooms and
seeing all the history. It belonged to a Duke and his wife and the
fire places were seriously so big I could almost walk right into them
and not duck my head! The view from the top was so good we could see
the castle and cathedral in Lincoln and the stump in Boston from the
top and it's about an hour both ways to either one.
Also it fulfilled my little girl dreams of being in a castle with a moat!

Sister Talia Brown 🇬🇧
68, Norfolk St
PE21 9HQ

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