Monday 27 February 2017

Week 16

Nothing but good times and rain clouds this week!

On Monday I finally gotta go see Gadfield Elm! It is the oldest Chapel owned by the church. In 2004 President Gordon B Hinckley came to dedicate it after it had been renovated. Back in the hay day Wilford Woodruff and John Benbow were missionary's here in Gloucestershire, they met a group of people who went to a Gadfield Elm for church at that time owned by the united Brethren. They of course converted the congregation to the LDS church and then the members donated the building to the church as a place to worship together. So it is actually the oldest and the first chapel owned by the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Fun fact My Bishop in this ward is apparently the only bishop in the world to be in charge of two chapels. I love this story of the church here in a Gloucester because it's so amazing to hear of there success and the fact that these men once walked where I'm now walking. Yes call me cheesy but I think it's so stinking cool.

Life here is pretty dang good I love Sister Swasey, we've been having fun navigating Gloucester. Also I have not gotten us lost yet so that alone is worth celebrating! Sister Swasey just celebrated being out 9 months! The big half way mark! So crazy! So we went out to Nando's and ate chocolate as you do in this country. 

This week we were able to have our first lesson with our new investigator! We went tracting last week as perusal and after like a solid hour and a half we came to literally the last door ( that's usually a sign that something good is about to happen) we knocked once nothing, twice nothing, then in a funny helpless attempt we knocked a third time like the pathetic psycho  I am. And a woman came to the door. She was very kind and listened to us, we asked her if she would like to learn more and she said she did! So we came by the next week on Thursday and taught her the restoration this was also sister Swasey and my first legit lesson being taught together. The spirit was so strong as we went through the lesson she told us that she had been praying that God would send her in the right direction of a church because she had been feeling out of place at hers. Isn't it funny how Heavenly Father answers prayers by sending two missionaries! At one point she asked us if she could come to church with us on Sunday! Asked us! Holy smokes sisters Swasey and I were both a bit shocked and then recovered and told her of course she could come to church with us! As the lesson progressed we felt the need to invite her to be baptised on March 26 and she said YES! I never really understood how there can be people who are prepared to learn the gospel and that missionaries are just kinda there along for the ride to the baptismal font but this girl is completely that case. She came to church on Sunday and it was like she'd been coming her whole life, and the members came up to her and loved on her which was so wonderful. I am so excited to work with her over the coming weeks she is completely amazing. And I am so grateful for the opportunity that God has given me to see that there are actually people out there who are completely ready for the Gospel they just need a knock on there door to set them in the right direction.

We went on exchanges with our sister training leaders this week which is always a party I love it because I feel like I learn so much when I getta serve with other sisters and get to see how they put there own unique spin on missionary work. I took sister Christie tracting in Gloucester haha people in Gloucester are not very nice and it's a bit of a rude awakening for people the first few doors. One door we knocked on this 17 year old punk answered we started talking to him and explaining what we are and mid sentence without warning he slammed the door and locked it and walked off and I literally burst out laughing so hard because it was seriously the most hilarious thing ever. I was laughing so hard that tears started to come haha Sister Christie was in shock she said she had never had that happen before haha I'd had that happen twice earlier that week.

On Sunday the Girls were confirmed and received the Holy Ghost it was so good! There dad and uncle did the confirmations. A sister in the ward had the idea to sing I feel my saviours love but we did it in English/ Tongan. It was so fun as we started singing it in Tongan the family all looked up at us and the girls started waving and getting excited! Now who knows how well we did but the family said we got the Tongan right! And we made the Auntie cry so in my books we nailed it!

Sunday night was a bit of a gong show haha sister Swasey and I were planning on stopping by less active members, in a more run down area of Gloucester and not one person let us in or was home so we walked for a few hours in the rain and got completely soaked but we found a super nice car so that was fun. Also I have died another pair of garments blue from the rain.

I love Gloucester and I love serving here I'm gonna be sad the day I have to leave.

Sister Talia Brown 🇬🇧


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