Monday 6 March 2017

Week 17

Well we're moving! Haha Sister Swasey and I got the awkward phone call from our landlord confirming that we were leaving at the end of the month! We then called the mission home and said what the what? And they said they were done with our ghetto flat and the crap they were having to go through with it so we asked where are we moving to then? They said they didn't have a flat yet in Gloucester sooo we don't know anything till transfers so they may just have to take the sisters out of Gloucester until after they find a flat for us so ya I dunno what's happening but either way we are packing! Fun!

This first week of march has shown me what all those school rhymes were actually talking about. England is the land of spring there are seriously flowers everywhere the daffodils are all over the place and the snow drops and other flowers that we'd buy at Home Depot at home in June. So that's been really cool there are cherry blossoms all over the place now too I'm just waiting on the trees to pop now. And of course who can forget the Spring Showers..... turns out what I thought was a lot of rain is actually nothing compared to the rain fall that England gets in the spring and I swear the clouds are just mocking sister Swasey and I every time we go outside it will down pour for 5 minutes and then stop so we are always soaked. 

So we got a notification last week saying basically everyone needs to get off there butts and bike instead of bus.... so this week I bought a bike... it's funny because my first two transfers I thought wow I've never prayed so much in my life.... oh silly sister Brown... let's just say that I know what it means to have a prayer in your heart... so ya I haven't crashed yet, I've literally felt the lords hand while biking because I swear there were so many moments when I thought I was gonna die. English roads and drivers plus riding a bike in a skirt is a terrifying experience. Plus... I'm very out of shape like wow my butt and my legs have never been in so much pain Haha... and I get a Charlie horse every hour cause my muscles or whatever I did have are being ripped a part... so ya! But other then that I love biking! its the best! I'm excited for the day when my calfs are bullet proof!

Also along with the spring cleaning people are moving or painting or doing lawn care so we are doing so much service it's the best! Not that I don't love trackting but dang I could do service all day everyday!

Also with my bike it was super short notice to need to get one and have it be good to go but one of my favourite families in the ward seriously helped me out and found me an awesome bike on eBay now I just have to chav proof it so it won't get stolen!

Also Tuesday was world pancake day and sister Swasey and I so badly wanted to be apart of it but unfortunately we could not find any pancakes in Gloucester! So we had waffles! And they were amazing! Thanks Kaspas! 

Oh and sister Swasey almost died on my watch we were doing weekly planning and hating doing it so we were eating candies and she started laughing and in haled a mike n Ike and she seriously choked for 5 seconds and I just laughed at her and then realized holy flip she can't breathe... don't worry she pulled through she only had a mildly uncomfortable throat afterwards.

Oh and I found a sick VW van

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