Tuesday 14 March 2017

Week 18

Spring is almost in full swing it's so exciting! The trees have great big buds on them just waiting for the right day to pop. And the flowers are ridiculously beautiful! Oh my gosh and I've seen so many bunnies and lambs! It's seriously so fun seeing different seasons in a different country. The rain has definitely been interesting on a bike but it's pretty fun zipping around on a bike instead of a gross smelly bus!

So this weeks drunk white man story happened while sister Swasey and I were riding home for the night we were passing through a dodgey part of town and sister Swasey was a bit ahead of me and I went passed this group of Chavs (dodgey white males dependent on the government) and one of them spanked my butt! And all I had was the chance to say was what the Heck man!? And then another one slapped my butt and I just kinda yelled some words at them and rode off so that was both terrifying and hilarious.

This week also while walking home someone yelled at us and threw a bottle at us but they had pathetic aim so it missed by a lot.

We also tracted a door where the people just laughed at us and mocked us for a solid minute... wow now writing this week out it kinda sounds like the most awful week but it was actually super fun there were definitely times where it was like holy flip this is kinda the worst but we had so much fun and we served so many people and that was the best part!

We moved a couple people in the ward which was so awesome because they really needed the help at this time. And we painted this woman's kitchen for her and I think it meant more to her that she had people willing to help her and make her home nicer for her. I absolutely love service holy flip it is my absolute favourite thing thank goodness for spring cleaning right now because we have been asked to help with lots this next week as well.

We also went to Cheltenham a couple times this week for interviews with president and then for zone meeting so that was fun I love going and seeing other missionaries cause it's just nice to get revamped for the week and know that we can do this because we are all working towards bringing people unto Christ!

This week we also had a lot of fun riding around this city, though I am definitely not fast but I am starting to love biking more and more! Sister Swasey explained it as getting a bit of a adrenaline rush through out the day because it's pretty crazy the fast pace of traffic here so it's kinda hard for my heart to not be racing but I'm definitely still praying all the time and I haven't died yet so thank goodness for that! 

We have been stopping by a lot of people who have been taught in the past and we finally caught this one family at home (there Fijian!) they of course invited us right in and we talked for like an hour about Rugby (sick!) and the gospel of course! and got another appointment so I'm excited to hopefully start working with them more I freaking love Islanders! They are the best kind of people! 

The weather was super warm this week so that was soooo nice! Today was beautiful we went down to the Quays and looked at the boats and stuff and then went to the cathedral again. I finally gave sister Swasey a proper tour of this city! We went through the stores and tried on some proper English lady hats as well! Because we're posh! 

So basically life is good, the gospel is good, and England is good!

Sister Talia Brown 🇬🇧


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