Zone Conference in Coventry and we got to hear from a seventy Elder
Massimo De Feo, it was so dang good I loved hearing from him he had a
lot of good insights but in all honestly it was just nice to be
spiritually uplifted. Funny that a missionary needs to be spiritually
uplifted but it's so true I really needed it especially with transfers
coming up. Also it's always a party when you get to see friends in the
mission! It's really sad a lot of my friends go home in the next
couple of transfers. But hey at least I getta see sister Romero until
the very end haha.
As expected I was worth the term totes emosh this week every time I
said good bye I felt like I was getting a punch to the gut. Something
I didn't expect on the mission was to never want to leave an area. I
was honestly hoping that I'd have tons of areas so I could see the
country but now I'm like uhh can I never ever move please... so ya but
something great happens when you leave people tell you how much they
love you and how they appreciate you so that was fantastic for the
good ol missionary self esteem haha.
Now for the grand conclusion to the Boston chapter of my mission.....
The smith mum and dad got Baptised!!! I think it was the greatest day
of my life in all honesty but I think I've had a couple of them now on
the mission. So that night we were driving back from Coventry but we
hadn't heard from the smiths so naturally we started freaking losing
our minds thinking they skipped town haha. But right before we turned
down there street they texted us letting us know they had just topped
up there phone bill and that they'd see us he next morning at 10.
Woooho all was well we met them that morning and had a wonderful
baptism service for them except when I gave the talk on baptism I made
the mistake of looking down at the mom who was balling so naturally I
cried all through my talk and yes it was the ugly cry. I loved being
able to be at the font with a towel and a hug waiting for the mum to
come out. Later talking to them that dad said I never realised how
heavy I felt before my baptism but coming out of the water he said it
was like he had shed the weight he had on his shoulders. The mum felt
the spirit so strongly she just kept saying how wonderfully peaceful
she felt. The next day was there confirmation in sacrament meeting and
the spirit was so strong it was amazing. Again I balled my eyes out so
much this week that I gave myself a big headache haha I think from
So ya later I got the call that I'm moving! So sad! But hey I
was pretty ready for it. So I'm moving to Swindon! Funny story about
Swindon we actually have some history. My greenie area was meant to be
Swindon with Sister Vousden. the night she got her dodge call was that
she would be training in Swindon but her Sister and Brother in law are
the ward mission leader in that ward so they had to change our area to
Gloucester so it looks like the Lord really wants me to serve in
Swindon haha. And guess what he wants even more for me to be in
another bloody trio!
So ya nothing but adventures this next Transfer.
Sister Talia Brown 🇬🇧
68, Norfolk St
PE21 9HQ
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