Wednesday 17 May 2017

Week 27

This week was kinda messed up to be honest started out good and ended
good though.

So I celebrated being out for six months on Tuesday so that was sweet
president McKee pointed out to me that I'm one third Done my
mission... I cried a little bit after that, both good tears and sad
tears even mix.

We had a zone Conference in Nottingham so it was the trio's first road
trip together it was pretty successful we learned a lot and sang a
lot. We gotta meet more people in the zone and we're also able to eat
some Taco Bell! Finally! Not gonna lie I have been desperately missing
my Mexican food. Anything with flavour really, I don't think I'll ever
eat a potato again after the mission. We also made a pit stop at
Costco! It was magic sister Alayon had never been to a Costco before
so it was really nice showing her the place and the food! We picked up
Costco brownie mix and Popcorn! English popcorn does not taste nice
some how they made it so bland! But the Costco stuff tastes just like
the stuff at home so I have about fifty bags to get me through the
next leg of my mission I think!

The rest of the week was chill we worked hard going tracting and
running activities and stuff for the ward and also for none members to
come to. We had our first ward correlation with our new ward mission
leader and stuff so that was good we gotta share lots of ideas for the
ward plan and stuff.

So saturday night we went to bed all excited for our Skype call to
our families after church. That morning we woke up at 6am and started
getting ready for the day I was upstairs saying my morning prayers
when I heard sister Alayon yell oh no! Check your wallet! I ran down
stairs and saw my companions looking through there wallets. After
taking a moment and looking around I saw that our flat had been turned
over and the back door was open. So pretty much someone broke into our
flat while we were sleeping and went through all our stuff and stole
my companions money and electronic valuables. Honestly I think that
was the worst day of my mission so far even though I didn't lose
anything it was such an incredibly sickening feeling knowing someone
entered into our flat while we were sleeping and unaware. So we had to
call the police and miss church as they went over the flat and swept
for fingerprints which was  creepy. So ya that was a struggle that
morning and honestly it was scary but I'm still grateful for the
companions that I have and for being able to sleep through them
trashing our flat and also being able to talk to my family the day it
happened because honestly there was no one else I would have wanted to
speak to besides my family after that. And I do feel like we were
protected because if we would have woken up during it I don't know
what would have happened so I'm glad we weren't able to hear it.

Talking to the family was awesome and we were able to spend the day
with some members so we felt safe. We have gotten a lot of love from
the ward so I feel so loved and cared so that's helping. Last night
was rough and we couldn't really sleep because we were jumping at
every noise but. It will get better. On the other hand it has caused
for some funny stories because we are all so jumpy.

When ever Sister Alayon has to walk around anywhere in the flat the
hammer is in her hand. Last night Sister Osele reached over me to open
the window while I was sleeping and It scared the heck out of me and I
just about Karate chopped her face haha. We have a middle of the night
bathroom pact so if anyone has to use the toilet we all have to
accompany that person. I walked into the kitchen and then came back
through the study and sister Osele was sitting there but she wasn't
before so I had a minor heart attack.

So ya it's been a crazy week but life is still good.

Sister Talia Brown 🇬🇧
68, Norfolk St
PE21 9HQ

Sister Talia Brown 🇬🇧
68, Norfolk St
PE21 9HQ

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