This week was crazy busy we had to go to Birmingham for our mid
trainers meeting. Fun fact don't trust elders to tell you times for
anything! We were told we didn't need to be there until 12 but that
morning I called to check and it turned out it was really at 10 and we
had a 3 hr drive to Birmingham so needless to say we were so late! But
it's all good it was nice to see everyone and learn.
We had a ward party this week and we all represented different
countries I'm sure you can guess I represented the motherland by
making poutine but unfortunately the English were pretty freaked out
by the concept of cheese chips and gravy. So I had to force it on some
members but don't worry they liked it in the end.
Our Investigators are doing so amazing right now one of the people we
are teaching has been looking up the commandments and stuff in between
our visits and this week she asked hey can I drink coke but not tea or
coffee? we told her yes and that we don't drink tea or coffee. She
said ok I better stop then can you check to see how it's going with me
on Tuesday? Haha sister James and I almost cried it was amazing to
hear someone just be so prepared that they can abandon things that
used to be part of there lifestyle just to bring there lives in
harmony with the saviour. So amazing!
We had Dodge night last night and I'm staying in Boston for another
transfer so I'll get to finish training my girl and no emergency trio!
Woot woot! If I leave after next Transfer I'll only have eight months
left which is a crazy thought.
Life is doing good I am so grateful that I get to be in Boston for 6
months and who knows maybe even longer either way I'm so so happy!
Sister Talia Brown 🇬🇧
68, Norfolk St
PE21 9HQ