Monday 1 January 2018

Week 58 & 59

Well Christmas and New Years has come and gone and it was quite the roller coaster of events mostly good ones!

The week of Christmas I got to hangout out with the sisters in Nottingham and see sister Cho from my group so we had a party, we did some service for one of there Investigators but because it gets dark at like 4 here we had to work in the dark on her bushes but we used flashed lights and hedge trimmers and got the job done might I add we did it in style because none of us had non proselyting clothes except for the Elder’s. We got to the point where the ladder just wasn’t high enough so I stood in front of the hedge with the ladder in front of me so sister Kepu could lean against me to reach the top of the hedge. Don’t worry all the hairs on my head have been accounted for she didn’t give me a buzz cut thankfully.

I also forgot to mention the week before we had a three zone multi Zone Conference which was a lot of fun to see lots of friends and to learn from President and Sister Leppard. At the end of it we had a bit of a pantomime where we put on Christmas plays for each other they were pretty dang good.

I got to go to Boston for the first time in four months and it was one of the best days seeing all the wonderful members and recent converts I met there also seeing my adoptive English parents again was pretty magical and it was so nice to see them and there homes during the Christmas season. I loved every second of being back there. Boston will always hold such a special place in my heart!

Christmas Eve we went to church for 1hr and had a wonderful Christmas service. There were lots of different readings it really felt like Christmas. Then we spent the evening with our branch president and his family while sister Hall Skyped her family aI got to read the Story of Christs birth from the bible with them and it reminded me of my own families tradition we do at home. We came back to our flat and slept in our living room under our Christmas tree with our fire place going it was very magical. We watched Joy to the world a Christmas movie put out by the church.

That morning we got up and went to another family from our branch who’s from Fiji so we had the best Islander food for Christmas awe man it was so good! But the best part is when I got to go Skype my family! I’ll tell ya the stretch from Mother’s Day too Christmas is a very long time to go without talking to those you love but I’m definitely glad that I don’t have to do that one again! It was so good to talk with them and just hear there voices. After that we played games ate more food and just enjoyed the day.

Boxing Day we stopped by members and guess what it snowed again! So we basically had a white Christmas! Kind of.... a day late but it counts. Oh ya funny story so we woke up Boxing Day and realised that we had a flat tire and of course everything Was closed and we don’t have any Elders in our area so we attempted to change the flat tire while talking to our Zone leaders after 40 min of trying to just figure out where the jack goes a couple men walked around the corner and we flagged them down and they changed the whole in in under 30min haha. 

Then this week I got to go back to Boston again and see the sisters in a different area they don’t have a car or bikes so we walked all day and I ended up crunching my ankle haha so now I’ve been hobbling around like a cripple but it was humbling to see Boston from the streets for the first time and not from a car it made me realise how blessed I was to have a car there haha. The best part of that trip was definitely seeing the Smith family!

We also went up past Nottingham to Eastwood to spend time with the sisters there and we ended up all catching the stomach flu so sister Hall drove me home and I just held the bucket the whole drive back home the next day.

New Year’s Eve was a party we drank a bottle of shloer each and set off party poppers and then watched the fire works from our window... yes we stayed up till midnight but only because pday was the next day.

All in all it was a pretty dang good holiday I’m loving my time in Stamford and getting to know the sisters.

Sister Talia Brown 🇬🇧

2 Rutland Gables
Tinwell road

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