Monday 4 December 2017

Week 55

Well I’ve made it safe and sound to Stamford and it’s been pretty much go, go, go ever since I got here. I got to go hangout with Sister Ohanyan from Armenia in Peterborough Wednesday to Thursday so that was fun. Something I noticed is that I’m quite a bit farther up north now then when I was in Swindon so I’m pretty much freezing my butt off now which is a sad story I think I’ve pretty much aclimatised so now I start shivering at +10 instead of -20 so it’s going to be a long winter I think. It also doesn’t help that it gets dark at 4 now so we had to resort to taking a selfie while using the glow from someone’s door way haha.

I got to go to Birmingham for a meeting so that was exciting and it was nice to see some of my friends and of course sister Romero!

Sister Hall is my new companion she goes home next Transfer so that’s crazy she is from New Zealand. It’s funny because when we talk on the phone people keep getting our voices mixed up so we are convinced that our accents are super confused now because we are so old in the mission! We’ve just been in England to long now I guess haha.

Of course we’ve been kicking Christmas off right by decorating our tree, sitting by our fireplace at the end of a cold day and eating Chocolate from our kinder advent calendar oh and also doing the light the world of course! The ultimate Christlike advent calendar.

It’s been pretty fun to be close to Boston on Sunday we went to my old ward mission leaders home for diner because they live in the Stamford branch boundary so I got to see the Hanson’s and there family so that was pretty happy! 

I’m pretty happy to be back over on this side of the mission I’ve definitely missed living in Lincolnshire! And oh how I’ve missed being called duck! 

Life is good though very busy but pretty dang good!

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