Tuesday 24 January 2017

Week 11

Holy moly! Never have I ever walked so much in my life! Haha Sister Vousden and I made a game plan of stopping by every less active in our area so every day we planned a couple areas a day and would bus to them and then walk all over them, we tracted while stopping by all these people and sadly most people did not give a crap about the gospel but then we found 1 guy out of our week of endless finding so that was really cool! We knocked on his door and he said oh are you Mormon missionaries? Come in! After we picked our jaws up of the floor we asked if there was a woman home sadly there wasn't so we had a nice chat on his step (story of my mission life) and he said we could come back so praise!

Another tender mercy of my week! we were tracting on a very particularly cold as night! And a cute little old Irish women opened the door and after chatting and being scolded for being out so late as two young single girls she asked if we wanted to come in for some tea or coffee. When we went in Sister Vousden asked if she had any thing else to drink besides tea or coffee and the sassy lil Irish women looked up at her and said ohh there's always a picky one! Haha she was hilarious so after she got us sorted with some HERBAL tea she looked at us and said girls would you like some apple pie..... uhhh yes please... then after she busted out the pie she found ice cream! So that was honestly just so nice being invited in for tea, pie and cream and have a chat with this adorably sassy old women, she has grown up strong in the Catholic Church and had no desire to learn more about our beliefs but she was basically the story of the Good Samaritan where she was able to put aside her feelings and help a couple sisters out. So I am so grateful to that sassy little old women who helped make our night.

Ok my not proud moment of the week but also so hilarious that I have to share, Sister Vousden and I had just got done with diner and were walking home and right away I could tell something wasn't right I just felt like my stomach had lava in it, and as we walked I felt this horrible wave of nausea so I looked around found an alley way and tossed my cookies.... now as I was tossing ... the .. cookies... Sister Vousden was gracious enough to offer to hold my hair but I told her to go away cause... yeah... anyways I got up and continued on our walk home and I said to Sister Vousden wow I'm so lucky there was a alley right when I needed it... Sister Vousden laughed and said Sister Brown that was not an alley way that was a drive way! So apparently in my sate of mind I confused a drive way for an ally and now some poor people got a nasty surprise that morning.... yes I am terrible but to be fair a drive way is better then a bus... Also another tender mercy the Elders in my district found out that I was "Ill" and they brought me flowers and my favourite treats! So that was the best our Elders are so awesome!

So when you walk enough around England... you see some things haha this week Sister Vousden and I were walking through a really pretty wooded area and there was a really pretty church so like the typical white girls we are we decided to take some pictures and as we got closer to the chapel we started to hear some major beats coming from the church... confused we went to the front door where we found the sign saying Church of pain... even more confused we listened more and just heard a whole lot more rap music that we definitely don't listen to as missionaries haha and we saw a guy come out with his sports clothes on and his gym bag and we realised holy crap it's a gym! So ya latter talking to a member they said someone bought the church renovated it and turned it into a gym so ya house of God, house of worship, house of abs haha

Also while I've been here I've discovered Gloucester is big in the rugby scene and they have a HUGE rugby stadium home of the Cherries so it's been really cool seeing people get there colors on every Saturday and finally I got pictures with the stadium. So that was fun! Sadly they don't play on Mondays..... yes I checked....

So ya life has been really chill this week not a ton of success but I definitely felt a lot more confident in myself and in my words which was really cool to see I also had a really cool spiritual moment where I truly felt protected as a missionary. We were getting a lift home from a DA and as we got in I wasn't in a super hurry to get my seat belt on because I had a big bag full of stuff that I was arranging in the back where I was seated as we drove off I just heard a voice in my head saying do up your seat belt. I of course ignored it cause I was still busy with the bag then we got off the side street I heard it again but louder saying "do it up now" I quickly did my seat belt and as we came to the first intersection someone drove through the red light causing my driver to slam on the breaks, causing us to jerk pretty hard against the seat belt now I don't have whip lash or anything crazy but it was scary minute and I honestly just felt so loved that I was able to have the Holy Ghost there with me I'm not at all saying wow I could have died but I'm pretty dang great full it kept me from slamming against the seat in front of me. Even just the little gesture of hey stupid do up your seatbelt I just felt like wow it's like having a parent right along side me even when I'm being a bit dumb the Holy Ghost is right there looking out for me. 

I'm really grateful for the experience of being a Missionary and serving in Gloucester I'm loving this little city more and more and even though we have not had a ton of success I still feel like I'm succeeding cause every day I'm forced to try something new and to learn something new so even if I didn't help someone get baptised today I was still able to help someone or learn something.

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